撒野百度云 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美剧 2007



INDIA is an exotic mixing pot of iconic wildlife, secret locations, epic landscapes and colourful beauty. This iconic and landmark series is a celebration of India’s most spectacular locations and incredible wildlife. From the "home of snow" in the epic Himalayan Mountains we travel to the mighty River Ganges, lifeblood of India as it carves out its dramatic path across the subcontinent. We also reveal Thar, the “Great Indian Desert”. Its territory includes much of Rajasthan (“the desert state”), where the bleakness of its environment is juxtaposed with the striking colours of traditional Rajasthani dress and amazing wildlife spectacles Also featured is India's lost world of the north east, home to head hunting tribes, tiger infested forests, mountains not yet climbed, rivers waiting to be fished. And finally to the Western Ghats. This biodiversity hotspot is home to epic waterfalls, hill tribes, hidden caves and stunning wildlife.. Part 1: Thar Desert Sacred Sands Covering 200,000 square kilometres, India’s Thar Desert is one of the harshest places on the planet. Baking heat, desiccating winds and near permanent drought has earned this unforgiving land another name – “the region of death.” As we explore India’s great desert we unveil its hidden secrets, and ultimately shed light as to how the Thar has become the most crowded desert in the world. Part 2: Ganges River of Life The Ganges is the longest river in India. It flows from the glaciers of the world’s highest mountains, the Himalayas, to the largest bay in the world, the Bay of Bengal. Human pollution threatens to overwhelm the river, but somehow wild animals survive. Hindus believe that Ganges water has the power to purify, and it seems there is some scientific evidence to support this conviction: microscopic organisms actually eat bacteria that could cause disease, and uniquely high level levels of oxygen break down organic waste faster than any in other river. This self-cleaning property of Ganges water helps support some of the last remaining true wilderness in the world – the Sundarbans swamp. Here, India’s largest population of wild tigers have never learned to fear man, making them very dangerous neighbours. Part 3: Himalayas Surviving the Summits Outside Asia, no peak reaches above 7000 metres, but along the Himalayan range, over 100 mountains exceed this height by at least 200 metres, making it the tallest mountain range on the planet.As Earth meets the sky along this hostile terrain, powerful winds, sub-zero temperatures, and a lack of oxygen oppose virtually all forms of life, but remarkably, this immense geological feature somehow supports one of the largest and most diverse collections of creatures on the planet – including man. While the Himalayas rugged highlands offer little direct refuge to humans, in the shadow below, over a billion people in India rely on the mountains for survival. Part 4: Western Ghats Monsoon Mountains Stretching for a thousand miles along India’s west coast, the Western Ghats are a spine of mountains that lay claim to being one of the most bio-diverse places in the world. Mountains rear their heads into the path of monsoon clouds, intercepting rains and making the western slopes some of the wettest places in India. Tropical rainforests thrives, and explode with life. The Western Ghats hold the key to life across southern India. Rainwater harvested by the mountains washes down to the coast, feeding Kerala’s backwaters; huge rivers flow east across India’s dry interior, a lifeline to animals and people. Part 5: Indias Lost World Imagine a lost world – head hunting tribes, tiger-infested forests, unclimbed mountains, pristine rivers. Known as the Seven Sisters of India, there are seven relatively unexplored and isolated Indian states. What mysteries lie within this secretive land and why have they remained untouched for so long? North-east India is an anthropological paradise; there is no other place on Earth with so many different ethnic groups. The forest slopes are filled with mysterious tribes whose lives are dictated by the ebb and flow of the rain and the seasonal fruits of the forest. In these largely unexplored and isolated areas people scarcely known to the Western world continue a way of life steeped in ancient rituals.


  • 公良?涵涤 6小时前 :


  • 厚紫文 1小时前 :

    真的好好看 对于精神疾病的描述,特别能理解,一个人独自挣扎,太有后劲了。

  • 振鹏 6小时前 :


  • 单于嘉宝 6小时前 :

    哥谭谜语人也猜不出的两大困惑:1. 为什么zoe kravitz会喜欢男人?2. pattinson什么时候才能摊牌自己还是吸血鬼??俏皮话aside,前一半确实有种扎实的硬汉派推理感,但在线索回到thomas身上时全面破局,超级英雄最大的狭隘就是跳不出family drama和daddy issue,到头来还是白人中产焦虑和自我感动实在很让人失望。

  • 愚博艺 7小时前 :


  • 卫朝聚 3小时前 :


  • 宝彤云 3小时前 :


  • 卫煌宽 9小时前 :


  • 凌雪晴 0小时前 :


  • 卫博通 7小时前 :


  • 卫栋 9小时前 :


  • 庚萧曼 9小时前 :

    蝙蝠侠作为资产阶级改良派,成功阻止谜语人发起无产阶级革命,从而成为哥谭市精神领袖。但他没能克服自身的时代局限性和阶级局限性,革命的果实最终被本土势力和保守派窃取。大洪水过后,it lies still.

  • 吕文惠 6小时前 :

    8.6/10 作为一部英雄电影, 三个小时是极为大胆的尝试; 同时以庄重严肃的基调叙事, 更是极为勇敢的挑战。 本作与'小丑'一般, 倾尽全力试图塑造一名立体的人物; 同时以一个跌宕起伏的故事, 成功使人物形象更显丰富饱满。 当然作为代价, 相较于主人公而言, 其他人物刻画便显得多少缺力。 而这也致使部分情感刻画略显突兀, 甚是遗憾。 但无论本作炫目的光彩, 亦或震撼的声效, 亦或优异的剧本, 数多优点皆使本作成为一部瑕不掩瑜的高质量作品。 并且作为新一任蝙蝠侠的帕丁森, 也以成熟的演技呈上一份合格的答卷。

  • 乜信瑞 6小时前 :

    “恐惧是一件利器” 意料之中的耐看,头尾两次《Something In The Way》配的头皮发麻。“他们总以为我躲在暗影中,但我就是暗影的化身” 耷拉的刘海和深邃烟熏妆,让Robert版蝙蝠侠更多了几丝忧郁和孤傲,伤痕累累,惹人怜惜。最后纵身潮水,平等视角普度众生,看到他最不同于其他超英的致命吸引力。《黑暗骑士》里小丑都没能实现的城市爆炸,在这一部竟然开了花!结尾被阿尔弗雷德那句“你需要的是一个父亲,而在你身边的只有我”戳中。蝙蝠侠与猫女分别的后视镜凝视,竟闪现出《断背山》式柔情…“你拥有的越少越珍贵”

  • 卓晓桐 2小时前 :

    四星半。携一种破碎混沌的状态在无法冲洗罪恶的大雨中追寻自我,最终以谋杀童年的凶器为刃切断脐带,然后浴水重生。(单方面宣布 Zoë 就是影史最佳猫女)

  • 卫云峰 7小时前 :

    3.5 导演仍然用他的视听语言写的关注家庭的故事 背景瀑布是蓝色的 底色就是忧郁 疫情下关于个人的事 ,每个人都有难堪的时候 未来还不可知。简化了《记忆》里的声音 但可以类比 后半段两个人的对戏轻松了很多

  • 文初 1小时前 :

    Don’t sweat it 好日子在后头呢!

  • 卫星辰 9小时前 :


  • 国运 2小时前 :


  • 之智宇 7小时前 :



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